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true/false value-based statements // ternary operators // (which would allow server badges or other cool stuff)#180

while i love the mimu default badges, can there be a way where server owners can also reward badges in that server .bal ? i think that would be great

2 years ago

i think we need a ternary operator for autorepsonders tbh but i just don’t know how to make it work with the existing functions yet.

for those who don’t come from a programming background, a ternary operator is basically a function that allows you to show a value IF soemthing is true.

an example is:
{truefalsevalue: {hasrole:@mod} | :modbadge: | :normaluser:} [truefalsevalue]

would reply with :modbadge: if they do in fact have @mod, :normaluser: if no such role

another example of what this could be used for:
{truefalsevalue: {hasitem: apple} | ya u have an apple | no u have no apple} [truefalsevalue]

the thing is though if we do allow sth like this its going to need further nesting abililty but i do wanna consider something like this

10 months ago

iim renaming this bc im too lazy to make a second thing but i don’t have plan on adding server badges as an actual feature separately.

10 months ago

if else in #58 and #79 sounds similar

10 months ago

sounds like this would be possible to to have custom pets. i implemented cats as an AR pets and right now, for me to show members what “pet” they have — it’s just with a requirechannel , requirerole and diff separate triggers to show each pet

10 months ago

in my opinion if else/comparison variables like these would sound super complicated to understand too. so i’m not surprised it would be hard to implement, it def would be a very very powerful feature though. if you guys implement this, def would take mimu to new heights rather than the average gacha with choose/lockedchoose. how exciting, good luck🥳

10 months ago

If I may make a suggestion. I think making some of it mirror more conventional programming languages (such as Python, JS, C++, ect) would be helpful. Like making it more like “If/else statements” of those languages.

Imo it would make bug fixing easier for someone to do themselves, since Mimu has it’s own syntax, you need to ask the mimu server if you encounter any bug, but I think making some aspects more like traditional languages may make things more Google-able.

Maybe make Mimu’s syntax mirror whatever “parent language” you choose to model it after? it may make coding ARs easier to impilemt and develop.

10 months ago