star shop prices are so high ! especially the “activity classes” i cant even buy it! but if ur not gonna lower them. maybe add a feture where we can buy stars with coins? (it only applys in the server your in)
can u guys stop complaining about the price of things
I agree, plus converting server currency would decrease the value of stars way too much, as in some servers having 100,000,000 currency is poor. Stars are meant to be a social currency, which is why things like star gifts exist.
it’s a global currency… you can’t convert local and global currency because you can just /modifybal
i’d say that this is similar to currency to ticket conversions which has already been addressed
stars are a global currency, server currency is per-server and can be controlled by the server administrator(s), which can be deflated/inflated as they see fit. this would devalue stars greatly