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nul item for gacha ars#456

A way to make a nul item for ars where there’s a chance to get an item and a chance not to

a year ago

oh yes omfg… right now, i made a trash item for if they don’t get anything lol pls will be useful as well with lockedchoose too.

when for example if they only get a balance adjusted for a certain reply… like {choose:good|bad}{lockedchoose:+500|0}{modifybal:[lockedchoice]} as a simple example.

would be useful too for roles etc {choose:no role|role}{lockedchoose:a role everyone has like member role|special role}{addrole:[lockedchoice]}

a null would be super useful in these cases where mimu just doesn’t do anything (doesn’t modify bal/doesn’t add item/doesn’t add or remove role, etc)

a year ago

im just going to make it so that if the item id/name passed in is blank it’ll not do anything (so just put a space :))

a year ago
Changed the status to
a year ago