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donate page ideas#468

1) be able to keep badges without having to be in support server

2) a “claim all” button or a claim certain amount for multiple keys:

  • option to choose whether to claim for elite, tix, or premium server
  • if premium server: input server ID

3) transfer keys to someone’s account

4) YEARLY/LIFETIME OPTION for subscription. very needed 🫶🏼

5) look into other different payment methods pls…especially for a lot of people in other countries

6) i know there’s an evolving premium badge already but it doesn’t make sense to me how there could be an extra badge for pet elite but no extra badge for premium server? a premium server badge would be cute

7) donate just to donate/contribute?? or have more use for keys/tix other than pet things?

a year ago

i was lurking here and yes pls yes to all of them. esp #5 because Turkish credit cards / debit cards do not work on Mimu’s website at all. i wanna buy keys pls.

a year ago

if there was a premium server badge id buy a key just to have it lmao /srs

a year ago

we don’t have a premium server badge because premium is linked to a server. servers are not linked to a specific user (i guess technically it would link to the owner, but the owner might not be the person who claimed the premium??)
we have a pet elite badge because pet elite is linked to a pet which is linked to a user.

because of this technical limitation, we cannot implement a badge for “server premium” unless you mean a badge for that specific server in some server info sort of command .. ?

also, the motivations for donating are different. usually, premium servers want perks for their server and don’t really care about what their /balance look like. whereas people who use elite definitely do care about what their balance looks like. it wouldn’t really make sense.

a year ago

usually, premium servers want perks for their server and don’t really care about what their /balance look like.

could confirm i in fact, don’t care what my bal looks like😂 fair.. i see, okay makes sense

a year ago