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Backup System#580

There should be a backup system in bot for embeds to use embeds in anoter server
For Example : I have 2 server in which i have mimu
In first server i make for example (welcome embed) and i wanna make same welcome in second one but doing all the things is again such a long process so it will be easy and good that the backup will help us to make it in short time and less effort
This will be a great update in mimu and this will increase the useage of bot

10 months ago

I don’t think this would be possible… could use /embed edit allon the embed you want, copy paste everything into the new embed; is much faster if you want the “exact same embed”. It should take a 3-5 minutes at max

10 months ago

im kinda concerned about server admins stealing server layouts like this, but i’ve wanted to make like ar presets in the past where it would be easy to give away templates or make them (just not entire server setting export)

10 months ago