There’s some commands that is only exclusive to bots like Dyno that Mimu can’t do and you just want Mimu to do with it’s aesthetics. So, I suggest you let Mimu use Dyno commands with autoresponders like. . .
.ar + delete | {requirearg:1|number} ?purge [$1]
.ar emm delete | startswith
i think its not possible to do that with other bots since they shouldn’t be possible to respond to commands used by bots
if im not mistaken theres a youtube guide on how to replicate something like this using ars, i will see if i can find the link ^^
edit: im having a really hard time finding it, essentially what you would do is turn off message perms for the moderation bot you are using, and create an ar that uses the same trigger as your mod bot, and mimics what the mod bots message would be. then when you are using mod bots commands, mimu is the one responding.
we can’t actually make mimu use other bot commands. its a limitation other bots have. also against tos bec it can cause a spam loop