My previous suggest was so dumb and I dont even understand how can I did not think carefully before written it, so this is the fixed idea ^^
Basicly my idea about the item is very simple!
STEP 1: replace the role-attach question when a user create an item in shop:
“Do you want this item be attached with role or just an normal item?” Yes/no
Yes: role attach
No: normal item
—–> if user choose “yes”, then it will continue to make an item as usual as of now!
—–> if user choose “no”, then the item is still be made as usual! BUT,. . . there will be NO .use item to get the role attach to it!
The item will appear in the .bal permanently after bought until the user use an ar that will remove the item!
STEP 2: create new variable!
We will need 2 new variable, for ex:
{requireitem: (itemname)} and
{removeitem: (itemname)}
—–> both the variable will linked directly to the uset bal to check if the item is there or to remove the item!
I don’t know much about coding but I think this is kinda hard! I hope you (Iara) can find this interesting because the potential of this is HUGE!
-ability to do trading with other users and earn more currency!
-event ar
. . .
P/s: this suggestion is still in the mimu develop purpose, right?